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Making an Impact with Mridul Pant | Consultant Spotlight

Introducing our second spotlight consultant for 2022, we have Mridul Pant, a charismatic second-year Business Information Systems Co-op student who joined 180DC in PC2 of 2021. Having immersed himself in numerous extra-curriculars and professional development experiences, Mridul is keen to share his key takeaways as a 180DC consultant in today’s Consultant Spotlight.

Why 180DC?

I would say that my interest in 180DC stems from my previous experiences in the field of philanthropy. During my time in high school, I was part of many fundraising and student mentoring initiatives where I was able to see first-hand, the impact we can have on the people around us. Going into university, I believe this interest in philanthropy inspired me to sign up for the charity portfolio of some student societies where we continued to work with different organisations to tailor our events toward meeting their goals. Due to the smaller scale of the charities we worked with, the funds we raised would create an immediate impact that went a long way towards bettering the lives of those around us.

Fast forward a few months, I heard about 180DC and was interested in the interplay between my two interests; philanthropy and consulting. Not long after, I submitted my application for the consultant program and here we are today.

Can you talk me through your last project cycle with Days for Girls?

The charity we worked with was Days for Girls, an international organisation that aims to distribute sustainable menstrual health solutions to girls. Our goal for this project was to increase the brand awareness of the charity through improved marketing, recruiting volunteers and finding new fundraising initiatives. As part of this project, we were given the opportunity to talk with the President and discuss ways we can implement our initiatives alongside the organisation’s current initiatives. I believe getting this level of exposure where you can talk to C-Suite executives is very unique to 180DC where you are able to work alongside some of the most experienced professionals.

Overall, I would say that the experience was very educational and enjoyable. I think the culture in my team greatly contributed to this positive experience. Everyone was very supportive and created a welcoming environment, which is the reason I stayed on as a consultant for a second project cycle.

What do you like to do in your spare time outside of university and your project cycle?

Outside of work, I spend most of my time playing football, and basketball and watching television shows. I started playing football during high school and eventually ended up playing at a competitive level. I think sports is a really good way to not just exercise but to also keep in touch with friends. Nowadays, I play more socially with the Arc Sports team. Fun fact, I used to play in the same team as our current Publications Director and I was probably the reason he was riding the bench for half our games haha.

And in terms of television shows, I’m quite a big fan of Lucifer (the show, not the religious figure). I have been quite up to date with the previous three seasons, and I would say that the big reveal at the end of Season 3 was very fun to watch. If you are looking for a fun series to watch on Netflix, I would highly suggest starting with Lucifer.

Which direction do you see yourself heading in the future?

I see myself going into technology consulting, and preferably in a space where I can incorporate my interests in philanthropy. Right now, I'm working at American Express and I'm really enjoying the experience so far. To be completely honest, I think it is still a long road ahead so I'm excited to see what the future has in store for me.

Thank you to Mridul for joining us for this article! If you would also like to become a project consultant with us, you can also keep updated with 180DC UNSW on our Facebook and LinkedIn.

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