Emily Ji
180 Degrees Consulting UNSW
As President of 180DC UNSW for 2025, my vision for the society involves continuing to deliver tangible social impact to our clients by focusing on high-performing teams, whilst creating a more engaging consultant program experience through greater emphasis on society culture and student learning and development.
At 180DC UNSW, we invariably expect our diverse and high-calibre consultants and directors to apply an array of technical and soft skills to real-world client projects. In addition to mentorship from our top-tier consulting firm sponsors, we are able to consistently deliver strong strategic recommendations, allowing us to uphold our impressive track record of client success in the not-for-profit space. Since joining 180DC UNSW in early 2021, I have genuinely gained an incredible range of personal and professional development opportunities, and met a network of lifelong friendships.
In 2025, I am confident and eager to capitalise on our inherent passion for social impact and consultant up-skilling through effective operational execution and new initiatives, greater application of educational resources and sponsorship support, and increased collaboration both across our internal portfolios, and amongst our external 180DC branches and other societies at UNSW. Whilst we are very excited by the strong momentum of 180DC UNSW’s culture and reputation as the front-of-mind consulting and social impact society both on campus and around the world, it is ultimately the value proposition that we can offer to our clients and students that will always remain at the forefront of our focus. I look forward to having you join us as 180DC UNSW continues to grow and make a difference in the world.
Yours sincerely,
Emily Ji